Little's Excavating Blog

What to do with major rock on a construction site

Finding a considerable amount of rock on a construction site is no one’s idea of a great time. It’s made more problematic when that discovery is made after the excavation process or the build has already begun. The reasons for this are manifold. Among the highlights: it may extend the completion date for [...]

September 12, 2023|Main|

How excavation services can help you build a better driveway

A couple of months ago, this blog touched on tips for installing a gravel driveway. As professional excavation services can be a great asset to that specific process, they really also set the groundwork – pun intended – to installing any sort of driveway. Beginning with excavation in putting in a new driveway [...]

August 16, 2023|Main|

How to prevent drainage issues

Stopping drainage problems before you have them is vastly preferable to trying to fix them after the fact, as dealing with water damage is nobody’s idea of a good time. Here are a handful of tactics homeowners can employ to be proactive and keep water in your property in places you want it [...]

July 22, 2023|Main|

What to know before hiring a demolition contractor

In many cases, before any project that requires excavation, first you’ll need demolition. We’ve written before here about how these two processes complement each other. If this is the case for your project, here are a few things you should run by any demolition contractor you might potentially hire: Have they performed the [...]

June 16, 2023|Main|

Demolition done right — it’s certainly not pure chaos

The very term “demolition” could bring many different images or ideas to one’s mind. Generally speaking, the negative or more wild angles may have come from unsafe or amateur sources, as opposed to the professional service you might get from companies such as Little’s Excavating, and without taking into account that it is [...]

March 13, 2023|Main|

What needs to be done before excavation begins?

It’s been a common theme on this blog that excavation – done properly and professionally – is more than what it may seem, which is to say digging a hole, or worse, playing in the dirt. In order to do excavation right, which is an important step toward most any sort of construction, [...]

February 21, 2023|Main|

A few key things to know about foundation backfill for new homes

The importance of a solid foundation to any structure is well-known, dating back as far as the illustration in the Gospel of Matthew about building a house on the rock instead of sand. But what does that mean exactly? The foundation supports the entire building, so obviously, providing as much support for the [...]

January 25, 2023|Main|

Excavation tips if you are considering a gravel driveway

Installing a gravel driveway is a reasonably simple way to change or spruce up the look of your home and yard, or if you’re more of the function-over-form type, it’s just a good way to get your vehicles in and out of your property. Doing it properly is more than simply having the [...]

December 13, 2022|Main|
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