The importance of a solid foundation to any structure is well-known, dating back as far as the illustration in the Gospel of Matthew about building a house on the rock instead of sand.

But what does that mean exactly? The foundation supports the entire building, so obviously, providing as much support for the foundation as possible is paramount.

One way to do this is backfilling the foundation. Backfill in this instance is material such as gravel, crushed rock or previously excavated soil (the exact material should depend on the best fit for the structure) placed around and under the foundation.

The purpose of backfill is stabilizing the foundation and the building atop it. It also prevents water from getting into places it shouldn’t and prevents damage down the road.

To that end, different materials, as mentioned earlier, will have different effects on water drainage.

Course, grainy soils, sands, clay, or slag and ash can be used as backfill, in addition to gravel and its rocky cousins. A mixture of some of these elements is commonly found as well.

Consulting a professional – such as those at Little’s Excavation – is your best bet for handling that selection properly. We will use our expertise to apply the proper material and can also effectively install it.

Making sure the foundation has time to “cure” – essentially, settle – before adding backfill material is important. This will prevent cracking in the foundation, which can do nothing but cause later problems.

So is clearing debris, roots, large rocks and the like that could shift or otherwise disturb the integrity of your chosen protective materials, as well as any standing water.

Backfill is a critical step to ensuring the longevity of your structure. Let us help you do it cost-effectively and correctly!